Name: Lisa
I'm from Georgia, USA.
Birthday: October 7th
Phan Anniversary: October 1st, 2001
How many times have I've seen
Phantom? 5 times.
9/24/05-The Fox Theatre in Atlanta,GA.
Bob Carr Performing Arts Center in Orlando,FL.
7/10/10-The Fox Theatre in Atlanta,GA.
10/07/10-The Pantages Theatre
in Los Angeles,CA.
7/12/11- Her Majesty's Theatre in London
My Top 3 Favorite Phantoms

Michael Crawford

Tim Martin Gleason

John Owen-Jones
My Top 3 Favorite Raouls

Steve Barton
Sean MacLaughlin Will Barratt
My Top 3 Favorite Christines

Sarah Brightman
Sofia Escobar Kelly Jeanne Grant
My favorite songs from Phantom are "The Music of the Night"
, "The Phantom of the Opera", "Point of no Return" , "Wandering Child", and "All I Ask of You."
Favorite moments in the show? The kiss at the end.
I cried every time at the end of the show when Christine leaves the Phantom. The Christine "I love yous" make me cry
each time. In London, my favorite moment was when The Phantom caught Christine when she fainted, and during Wandering
Child, The Phantom, Christine and Raoul sing the song together.